Is the dead man's spirit haunting and disturbing human?

Posted by Unknown on 01.44
Is the dead man's spirit haunting and disturbing human?
Often we are fed by horror movies about ghost that haunts because dying of curiosity, then haunt people could even mebunuh.Memang a movie is no more a mere entertainment or amusement, but sometimes it's like planting a false belief because aired repeatedly .
Only Few Know that Allah gave to the science of the human spirit. So be careful, because the Jinn Shaytan group trying to distort the faith community, such superstition of mouth about the 'spirit haunts'. In fact, if the 'spirit haunts' does exist, then it most likely is the incarnation theology jinn are intended to mislead the people.
"And they ask you about the soul. Say: "The Spirit of God affairs including me, and you have not given but little knowledge." (Surat al-Isra '[17]: 85)
In the commentary of al-Muntakhab said:
الروح من علم ربى الذى استأثر به, وما أوتيتم من العلم إلا شيئا قليلا فى جانب علم الله تعالى
"Al-Ruh including the scope of the 'knowledge of God, and God does not tell people about it but only a few of his knowledge"
Interpret the verse fragment: من أمر ربى "(spirit) including my Rabb affairs". Described in the commentary of al-Muyassar:
أي من شأنه وعلمه الذي استأثر به ولم يعلمه غيره
"That includes the affairs of God and His scope of knowledge and nobody knows about except the spirit of God."
Ruh including ghayb case. Therefore, talking about the soul must surely refer to the arguments (qath'iy) ie the Qur'an and mutawatir.
Imam al-Zamakhshariy in his commentary says:
أي من وحيه وكلامه, ليس من كلام البشر
"That is based on revelation and His word (the Qur'an), not based on the words of men."
Thus, belief in a disembodied soul superstition belief that Islam is canceled. The fatherly beware of the lies or claims healer who claimed to be able to bridge the communication between humans and spirits of the dead.
Moreover, the stage magic that was recently carried out by people who claim to be able to pull out his soul, and then the person's spirit can do anything according to kehendaknya.Hanya bit of science that God has given human beings the spirit of challenge, then as Muslims be assured, that the he did the onstage action is mere fool hoax.
On the other hand, none of the arguments that hang qath'iy us that the spirit that comes out of the human body can wander, let alone appeared to haunt the people who are still alive.
About the 'ghost', Islam has been explained as follows:
In the book Tahdziib al-Asmaa 'wa al-Lughaat, Imam al-Nawawi explains:
غول: قال الإمام أبو السعادات المبارك بن محمد المعروف بابن الأثير الجزري في نهاية الغريب في الحديث: "لا غول ولا صفر" الغول: أحد الغيلان, وهي جنس من الجن والشياطين
"Ghuul: Imam Abu al-Sa'adah al-Mubarak ibn Muhammad, known as Ibn al-Athir al-Jazariy the book Nihayatul Ghariib fii al-Hadiits said: (no ghost haunts and no taboos in the month of safar). Al-Ghul: including types of jinn-Shaytan and Shaytan. "

وقيل: معنى "لا غول" ليس نفيا لوجود الغول, بل هو إبطال لزعم العرب في تلونه بالصور المختلة واغتياله
"And it is said:" there are no ghosts haunting "in this hadith does not deny the existence of the Apostle's creatures, but he canceled the presupposition of people 'in Arabic which tells about a variety of forms and are believed to be killed."
The entire explanations above, similar to the description in the book of al-Ahwadzi Tuhfah. The author also said:
قلت: الأمر كما قال الجزري لا شك في أنه ليس المراد بقوله: "لا غول", نفي وجودها, بل نفي ما زعمت العرب مما لم يثبت من الشرع
"I say this as Imam al-Jazariy stated that there is no doubt that what is meant in this hadith:" no Ghul "not deny its existence, but the presupposition-canceling allegation arab people who do not set the Shari'ah (contrary to Islam). "
So there is no disembodied soul, all men who died will return to Allah (not found information stating the arguments spirits can haunt):Say: "The Angel of Death is assigned to (kill) you will mematikanmu, then to your Lord you will be returned." (Surah al-Sajdah [32]: 11), See also QS. Fushshilat [41]: 30, QS. Al-Fajr [89]: 27-30, QS. Al-An'am [6]: 93, QS. Al-Mu'minûn [23], pp. 99-100. (Source). Allah knows best bi al-shawaab


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